Generally, r3js works by
generating an object containing the plotting data and then continuously
updating it as new features are added to the plot (similar to plotly).
For a simple 3D scatterplot however, the plot3js
handles all of the plotting setup for you. Plotting syntax is intended
to be similar to the base plotting functions in R, and that used in the
RGL package.
# Generate and view a simple 3D scatterplot
x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
y <- rnorm(1000)
z <- rnorm(1000) + atan2(x, y)
p <- plot3js(x, y, z, col = rainbow(1000))
You can also build up a plot step by step using the lower level functions for initiating 3D plots (see vignettes ‘Creating a plot from scratch’).
Several ways to add interactivity to plots are currently supported, namely labels, highlighting on mouse roll-over, and toggle buttons.
Labels can be added, which will display when you hover the mouse over
the plot element, simply by providing a string or string vector as input
to the plotting function for the label
Features of a plotted object can be programmed to change upon a mouse
roll-over simply by passing the arguments you wish to update as a list
to the highlight
argument and set
interactive = TRUE